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by Gail Koelln, Co-Director

"Global Weirding" and Nurturing Nature

drought by Modern Event Preparedness (2009)

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Climate change really isn’t just about the temperature rising on our planet. It’s about the contribution of rising temperatures to “global weirding.” You know, those strange weather events occurring worldwide that have become much too common in the past 10 or more years, such as out of control wildfires due to drought or screaming blizzards due to excessive cold slamming into extra high moisture content in the air. The science is easily accessible to help people understand why and how all this is occurring. What we all could use more of now is learning how to nurture ourselves so we can face what is going on and then be motivated to take action of any kind to help address issues causing the “weirding.”

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One Earth Conservation’s Nurture Nature Program is all about learning how to nurture ourselves. There are many ways to do that, but One Earth’s focus is specifically on cultivating an appreciation of nature as a way to nurture ourselves and other people. Multiple studies have demonstrated again and again that far too many people of today, of all ages and in all parts of the world, are too cut off from nature, which is having a deleterious effect on mental and physical well-being. Some research shows that just looking out at window at trees and grass provides benefit, and even that is not available to all. So, taking the time to venture out into the world, and away from electronic screens and concrete walls, really can have a positive impact on your life.

I have been working as a volunteer climate activist for many years now. Recently, my focus has shifted a bit to increase my volunteer work with local groups in New York City and State to address climate at a more local level, since federal action that can be taken is limited right now, to say the least. I feel momentum growing as more and more people are joining efforts to do what we can as soon as we can. This provides me with motivation to keep going, although reading or listening to the news can quickly wipe that away (although I’m doing that less often nowadays). So, I’ve also been “practicing what I’m preaching” here to support my climate activist work, such as taking walks in nature on my own when I can and attending One Earth Conservation events.

One Earth offers a variety of Nurture Nature programs, both indoors and outdoors, to help people re-connect with both the animate and inanimate natural world (click here for more information). Join us on a Wild Walk to experience local nature in cities, suburbs and the countryside. Ask us to help you start a Nurture Nature Community in your church, civic organization or other group. Check out our online Nurture Nature Academy. Read LoraKim Joyner’s book, “Conservation in Time of War,” to learn how working to save nature is helping to save LoraKim. Or sign up for a Nurture Nature live workshop or online webinar. Starting in December, we’ll be taking a hiatus from some Nurture Nature activities during the winter while LoraKim is busy with wild parrot conservation work in Latin America, but watch for announcements for late winter/early spring events in this blog and on our website (or join our email list by clicking here).

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