LoraKim JoynerOct 23People and Parrots Celebrate Food Abundance TogetherAbundant food is a reason for parrots and people to gather in Guyana
LoraKim JoynerJan 24Sun Parakeet Conservation Across the Borders of Brazil and GuyanaThe Parakeet Rangers of Karasabai, Guyana visited the sun parakeet project in Boa Vista, Brazil where both countries learned and planned.
LoraKim JoynerApr 28, 2023First Among Firsts: Parrot Rangers of GuyanaCongratulations to the parrots rangers of Guyana for the very first sun parakeet and macaw nests documented by photos in Guyana
LoraKim JoynerOct 5, 2022Sun Parakeets Will Drive You Crazy: Preliminary ObservationsPreliminary results of sun parakeet observations show us how much we don't know, and how much we have to learn. Join us!
LoraKim JoynerSep 23, 2022Climb Every Mountain, Climb Every TreeThe Parakeet Rangers of Karsabai, Guyana are following their dream of sun parakeet conservation by learning how to climb trees.
LoraKim JoynerDec 15, 2021The Freedom ParakeetsThe sun parakeets of Guyana symbolize freedom and so much for those who live with them and protect them.
LoraKim JoynerJul 7, 2021Protecting Parrots: Nesting Season 2020-2021Pictures and statistics of One Earth Conservation's 2020-2021 parrot nesting season presented along with poetry.
LoraKim JoynerSep 15, 2020Coming Round the Sun Through Hard TimesThank you for helping One Earth Conservation to make the dream of the good life for people and parrots a possibility! Please join us!
LoraKim JoynerDec 10, 2019Peaceful Parakeet RangersThough it feels like war at times due to the overwhelming challenges and frequent threats and actualities of violence, we must live and brea