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LoraKim Joyner
Jan 24
Sun Parakeet Conservation Across the Borders of Brazil and Guyana
The Parakeet Rangers of Karasabai, Guyana visited the sun parakeet project in Boa Vista, Brazil where both countries learned and planned.
LoraKim Joyner
Apr 28, 2023
First Among Firsts: Parrot Rangers of Guyana
Congratulations to the parrots rangers of Guyana for the very first sun parakeet and macaw nests documented by photos in Guyana
LoraKim Joyner
Dec 15, 2021
The Freedom Parakeets
The sun parakeets of Guyana symbolize freedom and so much for those who live with them and protect them.
LoraKim Joyner
Jul 7, 2021
Protecting Parrots: Nesting Season 2020-2021
Pictures and statistics of One Earth Conservation's 2020-2021 parrot nesting season presented along with poetry.
LoraKim Joyner
Jun 22, 2021
Children Conservationists in La Moskitia, Honduras
Children accompany us during our conservation activities in La Moskitia, Honduras. It helps them learn by example, and its fun for all!
LoraKim Joyner
Mar 23, 2021
To assess the parrot populations in hard to reach areas, we experimented with a methodology to survey parrot populations from rivers.
LoraKim Joyner
Jan 22, 2020
Liberating Wings
I agree that we must take care of the most oppressed, and ourselves as well. To do so we need to get at the root causes that lead to dominat
LoraKim Joyner
Dec 31, 2019
The Grace of Beauty and Tragedy
The heartache of conservation mixes with the awe of life and slowly over the years I have learned that there is no beauty without tragedy.
LoraKim Joyner
Dec 10, 2019
Peaceful Parakeet Rangers
Though it feels like war at times due to the overwhelming challenges and frequent threats and actualities of violence, we must live and brea
by LoraKim Joyner and Gail Koelln
Nov 12, 2019
Four and Five on the Parrots List
Last week just got away from me, so I’m blogging today about both the fourth and fifth parrots on LoraKim’s list of the world’s most beautif
From the field, our Nurture Nature Program, and our staff!
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