LoraKim JoynerNov 5Kalebaskreek Bird Reserve in SurinameThe village of Kalebaskreek, Suriname has elected to become a bird reserve by protecting all bird species in their community area.
LoraKim JoynerFeb 22, 2022Parrot Pilgrimage to SurinameBatavia, Suriname is a pilgrimage site for those who wish to honor and care for all life, including the people and parrots of the region.
LoraKim JoynerSep 2, 2021Desperados and ParrotsThe ranch hands and cowboys of Paraguay turn towards conservation to protect their parrots, and we thank them for it!
Rev. Dr. LoraKim JoynerJan 24, 2019Trucked on the Letham Road, GuyanaFrom the Get Real Dictionary: “field conservation (n): an approach to the preservation of species and ecosystems primarily by attending to n